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From 1970 to the present there have not been any writings on Church history. Also, during the period from 1970 – 1985 the documentation that I have is rather sparse; therefore, I will try to recount what information I have, in a form that is easier to read. This is better than copying these documents directly because most of them are simply meeting notes written on scrap paper.  However, I will try to give a brief citation of my sources.

Shortly after reentering the Church in late 1970, the congregation began a series of renovations to the existing Church structure.  One of the major additions was the installation of a restroom in the basement [located where the nursery is today].  Also, during this time a new roof was installed, a new ceiling was put up, and carpeting was installed throughout the Church (until this time the Church had a hardwood floor). 

It was decided during the November 1970 business meeting, that services would be postponed until further notice because the winter was so bad that year.  From August 1970 until approximately 1972, Reverend Stan Craig served as our pastor (Record Books, 1970s).  During this time many were saved as this note by Lyta Roush (1972) articulates:


July 10, 1972

A wonderful spirit of revival is prevalent in both Fairview Bible Church and First Baptist, Mason — Brother Stan Craig being pastor of both churches.  People are being convicted of sin and souls are being saved … We planned a Baptismal service for Sunday July 9, 1972, but on Saturday God’s Holy Spirit again came on the scene and Earl Edwards and Rolland Gibbs were saved.  The Baptismal service was instead held on Saturday July 8th with the Reverend Stan Craig officiating.  

            Next, from early 1973 until sometime in 1975, Reverend George Hoschar served as our pastor.  From 1975 until 1979, Reverend Charlie Hargraves served Fairview.  Then in 1979, Reverend Mark Irwin became our pastor.  He remained our pastor until September 1983.  It was also during a business meeting in late 1979 that a building fund was opened to save for the construction of a fellowship building.  In December of 1983, Reverend Jimmy Lewis became our pastor.  He served as our pastor until 1987.(Record Books, 1970-1985).

Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 8, 1984

Lyta Roush, 1984

The meeting was called to order by Rev. Jimmy Lewis and opened by singing “Onward Christian Soldiers”.  Kay King read Psalms 133, and the opening prayer was led by Dean Knight.  The minutes from the last meeting (September 10, 1984) were read and approved.

The Old Business that was discussed was a leader for the Christmas Program (Connie Thompson volunteered), the progress by the committee looking into the installation of padding for the pews (estimates $2,000.00 for materials and labor, the color of the fabric is to be blue), lighting (Dean volunteered to take care of it), and the sidewalk (a work day is to be set later).

The New Business that was discussed was the progress by the building committee.  Bucky reported that a 20’x40’ building would cost somewhere between $16,000 and $20,000.00.  He also suggested that we prayerfully consider three questions:

1.      What are the needs of the Church?

2.      How far in debt should we go?

3.      Should the building be separate from the Church?

Ottie Roach dismissed the meeting with prayer.

Minutes of Special Meeting of January 21, 1985

Lyta Roush, 1985

            The meeting was called to order by Reverend Jimmy Lewis.  There was a discussion about the funds needed for the completion of the 20’x40’ Fellowship Building.  The loan would be for $12,000.00 at 11% interest (interest payable every three months).  A motion was made by Gerald Kearns to pursue the loan.  It was seconded by Kelly Hawk.  The motion carried unanimously.

Dean Knight Burning the Note, 1988

Dean Knight Burning the Note, 1988

The Fellowship Building was completed and dedicated in 1985.  The total cost for the construction of the building was about $25,000.00.  We got a loan for $12,000.  This loan was used to complete the building and make some repairs and renovation to the existing Church.  The loan was paid off in 1988 and a “note burning” was held to commemorate the occasion (Church Records, 1987).