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Building The Church


Fairview E.U.B. Church, 1956(Courtesy of Emma Lee Kearns)

Fairview E.U.B. Church, 1956

(Courtesy of Emma Lee Kearns)

Minutes of Meeting, May 8, 1948

Nettie Edwards, 1948

            On Saturday evening, May 8, 1948, the laymen of the Fairview Church, together with their pastor [Rev. Wilbern Ray], met at the Fairview School House to begin plans for the building of a temple dedicated to God and His work.

            The meeting was opened by the reading of scripture found in Nehemiah 4:1-6 followed by prayer.  The pastor then commented on the scripture, stressing the last part of the 6th verse, “For the people had a mind to work”.

            Several suggestions were made as to the kind of building material to be used in the structure of the church, but nothing definite was decided upon.  Mrs. Ray, wife of the pastor, suggested that a delegation from the church visit Bellmeade Church to get some ideas as to size, cost, materials, etc. used in the erection of that church.  [Although the building committee visited Bellmeade, the design of the church was based on Graham.]  This was unanimously agreed upon.

            The meeting then adjourned until a later date.

 The Original Deed for the Church Property

Ottie Roach, 1949

            This deed made October 23, 1949 between Ottie Roach, party of the first part, and Alice M. Roach, Ernest Roach and John King and their successors in the office of the Fairview Evangelical United Brethren Church, parties of the second part.  Witnesseth, that in consideration of the sum of one dollar, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part doth grant unto the said parties of the second part, the following described property, that is to say:

            All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being in the State of West Virginia, County of Mason, and the District of Waggener in the Fairview Community bounded and described as follows: to wit.  This piece of land is bordered 160 feet on the east side by Fairview School lot, 132 feet along the highway front, 160 feet on the west side bordering Ottie Roach’s farm, 132 feet on the north side bordering Ottie Roach’s farm.  Containing approximately ½ acre more or less, and reserving the minerals underlying the same.

            In Trust, that the said premises shall be kept and maintained as a place of worship for the use of the Fairview Evangelical United Brethren Church, Fairview.  Subject to the doctrines, laws, usages and ministerial appointments of the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the laws of the State of West Virginia, and if the said property be sold or encumbered the proceeds of such sale or encumbrance shall be applied to the use aforesaid, subject however, to the provision of the laws of the Evangelical United Brethren Church relating to the sale and encumbrance of the houses of worship and their premises.

            Providing further, if said building should ever be moved from the land or disbanded for the use of the worship of God, then this land is to revert back to the said Ottie Roach or his heirs. 

[It is this last provision of the deed that would later save the Church in 1969.]

Minutes of Meeting, Nov. 1, 1949

Nettie Edwards, 1949


Homer Brinker, 1960sHomer oversaw the design and construction of the Church.

Homer Brinker, 1960s

Homer oversaw the design and construction of the Church.

            On Monday evening, Nov. 1, 1949, several members of the Fairview E. U. B. Church, together with a number of interested persons from the community, met at the Fairview School House for the purpose of completing plans for securing money to finish the church building.

            Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John King, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brinker, Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Kearns, Mrs. Ruth Lewis, Lonnie Johnson, Charles Powell, Elmer Roach, and Alice M. Roach.

            The meeting was called to order by John King, one of the church trustees, who fully explained the plan for borrowing the money.  A motion was made that the sum of $2,500.00 be borrowed from the Mason County Bank.  The plan was voted on and carried unanimously.

            John King was then appointed to go to the bank and borrow the money, securing a note which he was to present to each property owner in the community, asking them to sign said note, thus sharing the financial responsibility of the building of the church.  [Twelve families mortgaged their homes to act as collateral for the loan.  The debt was paid off in 1952.]

            The meeting then adjourned.

The Building and Dedication of Fairview E. U. B. Church

Mary K. King, 1966

Kay King and Stella King (Morgan), 1966(The Fairview Schoolhouse is visible in the background.)(Picture Courtesy of Stella Morgan)

Kay King and Stella King (Morgan), 1966

(The Fairview Schoolhouse is visible in the background.)

(Picture Courtesy of Stella Morgan)

The Church building was begun in 1948.  Homer Brinker was the contractor to build the Church.  There were many hours of free labor donated by members of the community and also interested people outside the community.  Money was given by people from all the surrounding towns and communities.  On October 29th, 1950 the Fairview E. U. B. Church Building was dedicated.  Reverend Wilbern Ray had been moved to Lesage, W.Va. and Reverend L. C. Thompson had taken over as pastor at Fairview.  There was a record attendance at Sunday school on the morning of Oct. 29th, 1950 (our conference superintendent, Dr. L. L. Miles, and his wife being present).  An all-day service was held at the Church with a fellowship dinner at noon.  Dr. L. L. Miles brought the morning message, the afternoon message was delivered by Dr. Howard Capehart, and there was an evening service with many special singers, Reverend Rankin Roach brought the message.

The church note was paid off in 1952, and the pews were paid off in 1953, 30 months after their purchase.  (The company let us purchase them interest free for $1,500.00.  We made payments of $50.00 each month.  Our focus for the building project was Romans 13:7, “Render therefore to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.”  To God be the glory, Great things He has done!

Reverend L. C. Thompson left the Church in 1952 and was replaced by Reverend L. R. Mahoney, who remained until his retirement in May of 1965.  Our present pastor is Reverend Lester Lane.

Reverend L. C. Thompson, 1952(Picture Courtesy of Stella Morgan)

Reverend L. C. Thompson, 1952

(Picture Courtesy of Stella Morgan)

Reverend L. R. Mahoney, 1965(Picture Courtesy of Emma Lee Kearns)

Reverend L. R. Mahoney, 1965

(Picture Courtesy of Emma Lee Kearns)

Reverend Lester Lane, 1966(Picture Courtesy of FBC Photo Albums)

Reverend Lester Lane, 1966

(Picture Courtesy of FBC Photo Albums)