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Fairview Bible Church

Alice M. Roach, 1970

VBS Being Held at the old Schoolhouse, July 1970

VBS Being Held at the old Schoolhouse, July 1970

            “Fairview Bible Church” had its beginning on June 15, 1969 when the majority of the congregation of the Fairview United Methodist Church withdrew from the denomination.  This was due to the liberal stance of the denomination and its involvement in the National and World Council of Churches.

            Not wishing to be contentious, we nonetheless firmly believed that we could not in good conscience be a part of the denial of freedom to be led by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God because of giving financial and spiritual support to a Church which is rapidly losing its evangelical witness and perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a social and political message.

            Upon our withdrawal from the United Methodist Conference we were denied the use of the Church for a period of nearly fourteen months (June 15, 1969 – August 14, 1970).  During this time regular services were held in various homes throughout the community.

            Through the grace of our God and the counsel of an able attorney (Mr. Michael Shaw) we were able to redeem our church property from the United Methodist Conference for the sum of two hundred dollars.  The provision in Ottie’s deed stating that the property would revert back to him if the Church was not used as a place of worship proved to be Godly inspired forethought because the property and the Church building did revert back to him, thereby saving the Church.

Organizational Meeting Minutes, August 19, 1970

Lyta Hoffman (Roush), 1970

On August 19, 1970, an organizational meeting was held in the Church basement.  Ottie Roach presided.  Arline McDermitt prayed the opening prayer.  Lyta Hoffman (Roush) was retained as the Secretary-Treasurer.  “Fairview Bible Church” was selected as the name for the newly organized body of believers.

The following trustees were elected:

            Gerald Kearns             - 3 years

            Mona Gibbs                - 2 years

            Jean Fowler                 - 1 year

            A quitclaim deed to the Church property was presented to the congregation by Ottie Roach and read by Mona Gibbs.  Said deed was executed by the United Methodist Conference on July 10, 1970 and was recorded in the Mason County Courthouse on August 17, 1970.  (Book 219, Page 378, L. W. Getty – Clerk)

            Since the quitclaim deed returned the church property to Ottie Roach or his heirs, Ottie then reported that he was in the process of having a deed executed by the Church’s attorney, Mr. Michael Shaw, presenting said Church property to the trustees of the Fairview Bible Church and their successors.  [The new deed was recorded in the Mason County Courthouse on October 5, 1970.  The Church property was sold to the trustees and their successors for the sum of one dollar (which was immediately donated back to the Church).  (Book 220, Page 36, L. W. Getty – Clerk)]

After Prayerful consideration, the newly formed church adopted the following as their statement of faith:

            We believe the Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.   

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His conception by the Holy Spirit, and His birth by the Virgin Mary, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory.

The meeting then adjourned with the praying of the Lord’s Prayer in unison.

By-laws and Articles of Fairview Bible Church

Article VIII

Church Property

The Church building belongs to the local church and shall not be assigned to any group or affiliate.  The property was purchased for the sole purpose of regular worship and shall not be closed or consolidated with another group.  It is the expressed desire of the founding group that this section cannot be changed, deleted, or in any way altered without one hundred percent (100%) of the congregation vote unanimously for change.  All real estate shall belong to the active trustees.