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Missionary Update: Nathan and Carrie Radford


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Missionary Update: Nathan and Carrie Radford

John Morgan

June 1, 2015

Dear praying friends,


     We are now halfway through the year of 2015, and there are many things to update you about. This will share ministry progress, as well as prayer requests for current health issues.

     In a previous letter I mentioned that our daughter Camille has contracted amoeba.  It is nearly impossible to prevent it completely, as ingesting just one drop of unfiltered water can transmit it. We do all we can to prevent it and stay healthy, such as watching where we eat, using water filters, drinking bottled water, etc,  but sometimes those actions aren't enough and a person contracts it.  

     McKenna has also recently contracted it and so she has started medications to eradicate it. We are so thankful to have a good doctor here in Kitale who has been here for over 30 years, seems knowledgeable and provides good medications.

     Right now we are in the "waiting stages" to see if these medications will eradicate the amoeba, or if we have to go to an IV stage, which is the last resort.  We are praying that the regular medications will take affect and the IV will not be necessary for either of the girls. We would appreciate your prayers for our daughters at this time. A verse that comes to mind at this time that is comforting is 1 Peter 5:7, which says "Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you." It is a daily battle to stay healthy here and we would appreciate your prayers.

     We have been praying for friends for our daughters to play with.  Recently, our daughters have begun playing with a couple Kenyan girls from a local children's home.  Maggie and Daisy have been coming over to spend time with our family on the weekends. All 4 girls have gotten along well and this has been a blessing for our family as well as Maggie and Daisy, so we are so thankful for them.. We continue to pray that other missionaries with children would come. God has been faithful to answer prayer. 

     In ministry news, the group at Robinson is continuing along and we are proceeding through the foundational teachings. Recently I had the opportunity to teach on "What does it mean to really follow Christ?" We looked at examples from the Scriptures of those who did not follow Christ for various reasons, including misperceptions such as following Jesus will make all my problems go away, following Jesus will make my life easier, following Jesus is for the weak, etc.  As I got to John 6 and explained that many people originally followed

Jesus for the "loaves and fishes," (to have their bellies filled), there was some laughter, as many in the meeting knew that this is a real issue here in Kenya. I continued to explain that others followed Jesus because they saw His signs and wanted to "get" something from Him. In the end, many disciples refused to follow Him and deserted Him. This was teaching that was necessary for the people here to understand. We desire to have those who follow Jesus for the right reasons, not for what they will get, or misconceptions they have. We will continue, Lord willing, to teach the truth in love, trusting the Lord to work in His time and plan, and leaving the results with Him my friend Roger Tate and I desire to be faithful, entrusting the results to the Lord. 1 Corinthians 4:2 says

"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."

We thank you each so much for your heart for missions and your prayers and sacrificial giving. Thank you for your faithfulness, and may the Lord bless you abundantly.


Until next month,

Nathan and Carrie Radford