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Right to Life News: June 2015


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Right to Life News: June 2015

John Morgan

2015 is moving right along.  School is out (almost) and vacation days are here.  Baby Bottles have been turned in, but if you still have one, please bring it back to church "full, 1/2 full or empty" as we will have to buy another to replace it.

Right to Life wants to make a difference in Mason County.  We are always on the lookout for babies that have special needs that we might be able to help them.

The Mason County Fair will be here before you know it.  Now is the time to make those pictures of your favorite beautiful baby to enter the Pretty Baby Photo Contest.  Children 36 months and under may enter.

The June meeting was held early so we could show our support for one of our members, Dave Schmitt, that is having knee surgery early in June.  I'm sure he would appreciate your prayers.  Our next meeting will be June 30th at the Farm Museum.