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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya


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Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya

John Morgan

Dear praying friends,

We are now in the month of September. There is much to update each of you on, and I will do my best to inform and share prayer requests. Thanks to each of you who faithfully pray, give, and write to encourage the missionaries that serve where God has called them. You are each such a blessing.

Some have been wondering about the health of our daughters, as I did not update about that last month. There were several weeks with our daughter Camille where we did not know what was going on. She complained of frequent lower stomach cramps and pains, which is a sign of amoeba. We took her to two different doctors here in Kitale and were still not completely sure what it was. We ended up going to a large hospital in Eldoret, about an hour and a half from Kitale. There, we received good care and they did advanced lab work. We continued to give the medications that were recommended, yet there was still stomach pain. McKenna also had not been feeling well at times.

Frustrated that we still did not conclusively know what it was, we finally took both girls, McKenna and Camille, to get tested at a large pediatric hospital in Nairobi. There, they did advanced testing that proved with certainty that no amoeba or infections were there. We were very relieved, but also frustrated, as we had to go multiple places and see multiple doctors to get the issue resolved. This is a frustration here and a prayer request, that a good, new hospital would come to Kitale with doctors that can readily and easily identify health issues. Health is a daily concern here, as when you get sick here, it’s different from America, when the sickness can me a multitude of things and it is difficult to know with certainty what the illness is. Praise the Lord, all is well now, and we appreciate your prayers for our family and our health as we serve here. We have to entrust our health to the Lord and trust Him, as with all else here. I like John 14:1, which says “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”

I am still praying about the permit for the prison ministry. The chaplain is continuing to allow me to come as I wait on the renewal. I am thankful for this and trusting the Lord to work in His plan, timing, and way. I think of Jeremiah 29:11, which says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Please continue to pray the permit would be renewed quickly and without any issues.

The group in Robinson is continuing along well. My partner Roger Tate and I have been serving there for several months now. We have been doing visitation in the area there, trying to pray for people, encourage them, invite them to the teachings, and share the Gospel as opportunities come. We are presently teaching Inductive Bible study, which is crucial for the people to grasp and understand as they study and apply the Word of God to their lives. Please pray that this teaching would go well, that the people would see the importance of not only studying the Word, but applying and obeying what they learn. The Word of God is profitable, as we see in 2 Timothy 3:16, which says “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” I will keep you updated on the progress of this ministry.

May we faithfully serve today, wherever the Lord has called and guided us. May we leave the results in His plan and timing, knowing He works all things out for good and to His glory. Thank you to each of you for the example of faithfulness you are to us.


Nathan and Carrie Radford