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Pastor's Page: July 2015


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Pastor's Page: July 2015

John Morgan

This is the month for fun, vacation, and looking for that night when the sky is lit up with fireworks. Most will be looking forward to Vacation Bible School and I'm one of those people. This year will be just a little different for Joyce and I. This will be the first time being with you all at Fairview Bible Church.

There has been a lot of talk about the food that will be served and the games that all will get to play. But most have told about how each class will bring the Word of God to the kid of all ages. As each of you know Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples.

What better way to help someone to become a follower of Christ than to start them out on the Word at a young age. Here at the church I have seen so much enthusiasm with all the teachers that are taking on the role of teacher and leader of our young people. Showing the teens and the young ones that there is joy in serving the Lord is so important we cannot talk enough about it.

So this month as we light up the sky in giving thanks for our independence as a nation, let us also give thanks for the ones that teach us how we can be free from sin. The ones that are taking time to be a true leader for the young ones of our community.
