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Following The Still Small Voice: Hearing God in the Midst of Living


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Following The Still Small Voice: Hearing God in the Midst of Living

John Morgan

When God told Dan Armstrong to leave his job as leader over a thriving youth ministry in West Virginia and move his family to Texas, there were no other details provided—Dan and his family were left with only questions. Where in Texas? To what job? What was Dan to do next? Was this message really from God? Life would be so much easier, and take a lot less faith, if God would simply speak to us in a clear and audible voice that would direct our life down an obvious and easy–to–follow path. But as all Christians know, that's not how it works. Dan Armstrong details his own struggle to hear from God in order to determine the direction for his life. You will learn with him that when trying to hear from God, it's not about walking in clarity; it's about walking in obedience and trust.

About the Author

Dan Armstrong has been a full–time pastor for the past sixteen years and has been in ministry for more than a quarter century. He and his wife, Judy, left West Virginia in 2005 when the Lord called them to Texas to begin a new ministry. Today they pastor Genesis Ministries in Canyon Lake, Texas, which began as a chance to give "at risk" teenagers a Christ–centered living environment in which they could learn to have a positive effect on their community as the community has a positive effect on them. The ministry has now expanded to include adults who are struggling with addiction and those who desire to be mentored in ministry. They have also started a small but vibrant church, Genesis Fellowship. The Armstrong's have seven children and four grandchildren.