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Pastor's Page: August 2015


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Pastor's Page: August 2015

John Morgan

Thanks to Fairview Bible Church our VBS was a great success. But the summer is not over yet, we still time for more great things to get done before cold weather gets here. Jerry Morgan has a few things in line for the youth and we are now looking into a couple of ideas for the older youth.  As we look around and see the Lord at work in our church we need to take time each day to thank Him for all He has done.

This is the time of the year when the church is in need of teachers. Some have been doing this for a long time and doing it well. Now is the time for others to step up and take over some of our class rooms. This will give each of us a chance to give to others a little of what God has given us. You may not know how much you have to give until you start. I am going to work with each of the teachers to keep a rotation of teachers each year if they want. After starting to work to bring God's word you may want to be there longer than a year. Take some time and pray, is this what God wants in my life.

Thanks,   Donnie