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Angie's Corner: August 2015


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Angie's Corner: August 2015

John Morgan

Good Morning Jesus

Thank you for all the things you do for me today.

 Are you Happy with me?  If so, give me a wonderful day with a lot of love to share everywhere I go.  Now think about it and share and care.  Look at me and see what I can do today so others can see Jesus in me.  Go out and do your best and say you had a nice day.  What can you do today to help someone along the way?  Go to Church and pray and read the Bible.  Let’s all keep busy doing our part.  We all have work to do.  Take Him with you everywhere you go.  Tell others about Him.  Keep you light bright so others can see Jesus in your everyday life.  Now is the time to get ready to go love in Heaven with Him.  Do it today or you will be left out.  If you miss Heaven, you will not be happy.  Be nice and kind, you will reap what you sow someday.  Your seed will grow in your garden full of weeds or blessings.  Are you praying for others, then look for good things to come your way.  We need to live for Him and be a Christian that He needs us all to be.  What can you do today to brighten up someone’s day?  Love is the key that opens the door to show others the right way to live.  What will you do today for Him?  Be happy today, talk and walk with Him and have a nice day.

-written by Angie Brock, Saturday, June 20, 2015