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Pastor's Page: September 2015


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Pastor's Page: September 2015

John Morgan

I'm so glad to say our church has started to grow back to its size in the past. I believe that it is because of the people sitting in the pews. The people at our church are involved in so many outreach programs, the after school Good News Club at the grade school, the Word Study at Wahama, Right to Life, Food Pantry, mission abroad and these are just a few outside the church. But that's not all. Inside the church we have Volley Ball, Women’s Prayer Group, our Choir and this past July, Vacation Bible School. We are now looking forward to the Winter Extreme for the older youth and the Junior Jam for grades 3--6 this winter. The Harvest Day of Praise on Sept. 26 and maybe a revival some time in Oct.  All this is made possible because of the Love for God our church has.   I ask each of you to keep praying for the growth in our church as it would be in Gods will.

Keep Looking Up to see God's Blessing coming down.

May God Bless, Donnie